
Simplifying digital transformation

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AWS named a Leader in the 2024 Magic Quadrant for Global Industrial IoT Platforms
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Extract insights from machine data using AWS cloud technology to optimize productivity, quality, and sustainability.

AWS helps leading manufacturers transform their operations with the most advanced set of cloud solutions, including Machine Learning (ML), IoT, Robotics, and Analytics. AWS allows you to focus your resources on optimizing production, creating new smart products, and improving operational efficiencies across the value chain, not on the infrastructure to make it happen.

To unlock the value of your data, you need an end-to-end industrial data strategy. AWS can help you create a data management architecture, called Industrial Data Fabric (IDF), that enables a scalable, unified, and integrated mechanism to harness data as an asset. The AWS IDF is a well-architected framework with prescriptive guidance that enables manufacturers to accelerate ingestion, contextualization, and the ability to act on their data. Find out more in this ebook.


AWS Knows Industrial Operations (3:54)

Learn the key benefits of adopting smart manufacturing

Discover AWS and AWS Partner solutions to maximize productivity, machine availability, and quality.


Lower IT/OT costs
Focus on improving business operations and innovation, not IT and OT infrastructure. AWS pay-as-you-go microservices and serverless computing models reduce the cost of running your connected plant or smart product programs.
Innovate faster
AWS offers a broad set of global cloud-based products including compute, storage, analytics, IoT, and security. Running these services in the cloud allows your engineers and designers to solve problems quickly - accelerating time to market. AWS also offers a leading suite of purpose-built manufacturing services and solutions.
Improve operations
AWS makes it easy to build and tailor your data strategy by allowing you to securely store, categorize, and analyze all your data in one, centralized repository. Provide real-time and predictive analytics to improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), service levels, product quality, and supply chain efficiency.
Enhanced security
Cloud security at AWS is the highest priority. As an AWS customer, you benefit from a data center and network architecture built to meet the requirements of the most security-sensitive organizations.

Customer stories

We work with the industry's leading manufacturing companies who expect more from their technology partners and know that experiences speak louder than words. Learn more about the exciting ways manufacturing companies are leading their cloud journey with AWS.

Autodesk logo

Autodesk on AWS

Autodesk, a leader in 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software, migrated workloads from its on-premises data centers to AWS to meet an exponential growth in customers and data. As a result, Autodesk has increased efficiency, scalability, and flexibility while saving up to 90 percent on data processing costs.

Read the case studies »
Autodesk on AWS
Siemens on AWS

Siemens on AWS

Siemens, a global leader in electrification, automation, and digitization, uses an array of AWS services to carry on its tradition of transformation.

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Georgia-Pacific Optimizes Processes, Saves Millions of Dollars Yearly Using AWS

Georgia-Pacific optimizes processes, saves millions of dollars yearly using AWS

Georgia-Pacific, an American wood products company, leveraged AWS services to gain new data insights and achieve less complex data collection which resulted in a profits increase of millions.

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Lockheed Martin drives innovation using AWS
Lockheed Martin logo

Lockheed Martin drives innovation using AWS

Lockheed Martin, a major global defense contractor, discusses its utilization of Amazon Web Services (AWS) for making data-driven decisions throughout the organization. The company employs AWS for various innovations, such as incorporating machine learning and IoT in its intelligent factory, and integrating robotics into the plant floor to enhance overall efficiencies.

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 Volkswagen uses AWS IoT to build Industrial Cloud
Volkswagen Group logo

Volkswagen uses AWS IoT to build Industrial Cloud

Volkswagen uses AWS IoT, machine learning, analytics, and compute services to increase plant efficiency and uptime, improve production flexibility, and increase vehicle quality.

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Want more manufacturing information?

Find manufacturing customer stories, whitepapers, blogs, and more to get details on how AWS solutions can help you optimize production.

AWS transforms manufacturing operations with cloud technology

With the increase in connected industrial devices, manufacturers are building Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) strategies to optimize data collected. Using the cloud is an essential factor in the strategy and their digital transformation process. Learn how AWS cloud technologies can help you digitally transform to reduce costs, speed time to market, optimize production, and meet sustainability objectives across five common solution areas and multiple industry segments.

Solution areas

Engineering & Design

High Performance Computing (HPC) allows product developers and engineers to solve complex problems using model-based design and large-scale, parallel simulations.

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Smart Manufacturing

Leverage AWS IoT, machine learning, data lakes, and analytics services to improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) by capturing, analyzing, visualizing, and executing on plant floor data.

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Smart Products and Services

Innovate your smart connected product offerings using AWS services such as IoT, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data to collect, process, store, analyze, and act on machine data.

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Supply Chain Management

Get a a unified view of supply chain data to track and trace your entire production process with unprecedented efficiency.

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Lower your carbon footprint using AWS technology by optimizing industrial energy consumption, reducing waste, and replacing enterprise data centers.

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Leverage innovative technologies with data from existing shop floor systems to improve processes, identify bottlenecks, and detect anomalies in real time.

Explore Automotive »

Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

Build brands consumers love, increase organizational agility to react to market opportunities, and drive operational efficiency with proven, industry-specific innovations and solutions from AWS.

Explore CPG »

Hi-Tech and Electronics

AWS is the trusted technology and innovation partner for the Hi-Tech and Electronics industry; enabling rapid creation of connected products and services.

Explore Hi-Tech and Electronics »


Explore example use cases and learn how AWS cloud-technology can help optimize manufacturing processing, bring insights to the shop floor, and support GMP compliance.

Explore Pharmaceutical »


AWS offers a set of services for high performance design, verification, and smart manufacturing, supporting electronic design automation (EDA) and rapid semiconductor innovation in the cloud.

Explore Semiconductor »

Interested in AWS for Industrial?

If you are an asset-intensive industry like manufacturing, energy, mining, agriculture, transportation and utilities, it’s time to discover how AWS for Industrial can help you get the most out of your data.

Innovate with key industry partners

AWS Partners offer a diverse and deep set of manufacturing solutions built on AWS that let customers accelerate time to market. Find industrial solutions from AWS Partners on AWS Marketplace, a digital catalog of third-party software, services, and data that makes it easy to find, buy, deploy, and manage software on AWS.

Siemens logo

Siemens Digital Enterprise Suite, built on AWS, is reinventing the way applications are built in the digital enterprise with a variety of solutions to that help connect your products, plants, people, systems, and machines.

Explore Siemens »

GE logo

GE Digital is a leading industrial software company transforming how our customers solve the toughest challenges by putting industrial data to work.

Explore GE »

Bosch logo

Realize your vision of providing an integrated service to your customers by leveraging Bosch software expertise in digital technologies.

Explore Bosch »

Seeq logo

With diagnostic and predictive analytics powered by innovations in big data and machine learning technologies, Seeq can help you turn data into insights that drive process improvement.

Explore Seeq »

PTC logo

Industrial IoT software designed to help you flexibly build and securely scale your mission-critical IIoT solutions in intelligent factories.

Explore PTC »

Autodesk logo

Use Autodesk to connect industry data and automate workflows to reduce costs as you orchestrate your design-to-manufacture life cycle.

Explore Autodesk »

Ready to start your industrial transformation?

Leading manufacturing companies are already using AWS. Contact our experts and start your own AWS journey today.