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As organizations seek to unlock the true power of AI-driven innovation and stay ahead of the competition, understanding and leveraging Generative AI is critical to meet your business goals.

As a Premier AWS consulting partner, we present our 2-day Amazon Q in QuickSight GenAI Insights Workshop:

The workshop is designed to understand your needs and where you are on your Data & Analytics and Generative AI journey. Whether your team needs assistance to discuss the possibilities of Gen AI, or to get hands-on experience with Quicksight, our team facilitates a multi-day session bespoke to your needs.

Our Amazon Q in QuickSight Workshop includes:

Day 1: Introduction to GenAI and Amazon Q

  • Business Landscape Overview - Discussion on key business goals, challenges, and current technology landscape
  • Use Case Exploration: Discuss various use cases and scenarios in which generative AI can enhance analytics processes.
  • Amazon Q and QuickSight Integration: Learn how to integrate Amazon Q with QuickSight with existing data warehouse/data lake to create interactive data stories and generate insights.

Day 2: Hands-On Session and Preparation for POC

  • Hands-On Sessions: Engage in practical sessions to familiarize yourself with Amazon Q and QuickSight functionalities.
  • POC Scope Definition: Collaborate with Quantiphi experts to define the scope of the POC, focusing on a specific use case.
  • Success Criteria Establishment: Identify measurable metrics and success criteria for evaluating the POC's effectiveness
  • Future Roadmap and Next Steps: Discuss the roadmap for implementing Amazon Q and QuickSight to drive AI-driven analytics in your organization.

This series is aimed at CDOs, data and visualization teams, and decision-makers who want to harness the power of generative AI in their business processes.


  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of how Amazon Quicksight Q expedites insights generation into business processes.
  • Develop actionable strategies for implementing AI-driven analytics in your organization
Sold by Quantiphi
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


Reach out to:

Jim Keller , AWS Global CEO, Quantiphi . Email-



