Why doesn't my EFS file system automatically mount when rebooting my EC2 instance?

2 minute read

I've added an Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) mount entry in the /etc/fstab on my Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance. Amazon EFS doesn’t automatically mount on reboot. How can I fix this?

Short description

Amazon EFS auto mounts on reboot using the Amazon EFS mount helper or the Linux NFS client. Auto mounting might fail for the following reasons:

  • The Amazon EFS mount helper isn't installed.
  • The Linux NFS client isn't installed.
  • The _netdev option isn't included in the EFS mount entry in /etc/fstab.


Amazon EFS mount helper

The Amazon EFS mount helper is a part of amazon-efs-utils. This package is available for installation on Amazon Linux and Amazon Linux 2 AMIs.

Check if the amazon-efs-utils package is installed on the instance:

$ rpm -qa amazon-efs-utils

If the package isn't installed, then run the following command to install it Amazon Linux and Amazon Linux 2 AMIs:

$ sudo yum install -y amazon-efs-utils

For more information, see Installing the Amazon EFS client on Amazon Linux and Amazon Linux 2.

To install amazon-efs-utils on other Linux distributions, see Installing the Amazon EFS client on other Linux distributions.

Linux NFS client

Verify that the Linux NFS client is installed on the instance.

Note: Use the Linux NFS client only when encryption or access points aren't used.

If the package isn't installed, then run the following commands to install it:

Amazon Linux 1, Amazon Linux 2, RHEL

$ sudo yum -y install nfs-utils


$ sudo apt-get -y install nfs-common

Run one of the following commands to start the service:

$ sudo service nfs start


$ sudo service nfs-server start

For more information see, Installing the NFS client.

_netdev option

The automount could fail if _netdev option isn't used in the EFS mount entry in /etc/fstab. The _netdev option prevents the operating system from mounting EFS until the network is enabled as EFS required network access.

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AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 years ago